9947 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: 952-888-7771

Green Burial Info

We can help you understand green funerals, know your options, and answer any questions you have.

Latest News & Stories

Browse our listing of news, articles, and stories about embalming, green burial, and more.

Latest Questions

Read through questions that we've received and answered for other families.

Contact Us

Our funeral home can assist you to select the funeral service options that hold the most meaning for your family.

Dealing with Grief

If you Google the word 'grief,' the search engine will deliver well over 23 million results! That's an unbelievable amount of information about dealing with grief at a time when you may already feel overwhelmed by the smallest of tasks. We are here to help. 

You Aren't Alone

While the experience of grief can be very isolating, we would like to help you take steps to counter the feelings of loneliness and disconnection. While the articles in our grief library can make a difference in your day-to-day life; should you need additional support, please don't hesitate to call us at 952-888-7771. We will do our best to ease your bereavement and, if requested, provide a referral to a local grief counselor or therapist.