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Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: 952-888-7771

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News and Stories

Confessions of a Funeral Director: Ten Things About Embalming
A funeral director has a lot to do in their work, including embalming bodies, which consists of taking all of the blood out of the body and replacing the blood with embalming fluid. The question is, though - is embalming really necessary?
With green caskets, a more earth-friendly end
America had natural burials until the Civil War when embalming came into fashion. Now, we are facing the environmental impact of our current burial practices, so we are once more embracing natural burial.
Green Burial is not just throwing ashes on a compost heap
The new concept of "green burial" is more deliberative than just burying the body in a shroud or a biodegradable coffin. It is a way to give the body back to the earth.
New, Greener Alternatives to Cremation and Burial
Are you thinking about options beyond the traditional burial? There's cremation and a simple green burial, but there are also other newer environmentally-friendly options.
3.5 Feet is the New "6 Feet Under" for Green Burials
A Vermont bill could make Green Burials more assessable by changing the burial depth from five feet (yes - the depth is not always the stereotypical "six feet under") to 3.5 feet.
Green Burial & Natural Burial: A Video Overview
Most people strive their whole life to live with respect to the environment, but often we don’t think about how our end-of-life choices can affect the environment.
Eco-Friendly ‘Mushroom Burial Suits’ Are on the Rise, But Are They Really Necessary?
Decomposition is nature's way of dealing with death, and there has been a green burial revolution where people are returned to earth the way our ancestors used to be - as naturally as possible.
Affordable Alternatives to the Traditional Funeral and Burial
There are alternatives to traditional burials and funerals that can reduce costs as well offer benefits, such as helping the environment or medical research.
Think outside the casket/urn: 8 alternatives to a traditional burial or cremation
There are at least eight alternate ways of disposing of the body of a loved one which are more environmentally friendly than a traditional casket burial or cremation.
How to do your part to help save the earth after you are gone
While embalming itself is not bad, the chemical used, formaldehyde, is classified as a carcinogen and can get into public water supplies.
Burial Shrouds and their importance in Green Burials
A burial shroud is an item, generally cloth, that is used to wrap the body when it is buried.
Ashes to - trees?
An Italian company has created a way for a family to bury their dead without having to use coffins. Instead of placing the person's remains in a coffin, they are placed in a pod with the seed of a tree.
Ashes to - compost?
Presently, the only government sanctioned options are burial, cremation and donation to a medical school. But a Seattle woman is working towards legalizing a new way to dispose of human remains: composting.
A green burial example in Michigan
Death is as much a given in life as taxes, yet death has far more rituals and beliefs surrounding it. Giving it an environmental edge seems to make the most sense in this day and age.
An award winning return to the earth in Wales
An award winning return to the earth: James Leedam's Usk Castle Chase, a green burial cemetery in Wales.
A green burial: a return to common sense and peace
A green burial: Outlier trend or a return to common sense and peace?