9947 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: 952-888-7771

Green Burial Info

We can help you understand green funerals, know your options, and answer any questions you have.

Latest News & Stories

Browse our listing of news, articles, and stories about embalming, green burial, and more.

Latest Questions

Read through questions that we've received and answered for other families.

Contact Us

Our funeral home can assist you to select the funeral service options that hold the most meaning for your family.

Funeral Pre-Arrangement Process

Take care of all the funeral pre-arrangement details and give you and your family the peace-of-mind you deserve.

The Basics of Planning

Here's a break-down of the process:

  • Set goals
  • Review limitations
  • Look at available options
  • Weigh the pros and cons of each option
  • Talk to others about the best options
  • Arrive at a final decision

In the case of funeral pre-arrangement, another two important steps are involved:

  • Write out your plan with as many details as possible.
  • Send your plan to the funeral home and provide a copy to your executor.

There are two ways for you to complete your funeral pre-arrangement plan.

Using the Online Pre-Planning Tool

This website features Pre-Arrange Online, a step-by-step interactive form that can be used to record your end-of-life plan and send the completed form to our staff for safekeeping. You'll be asked to create an account with a username and password so you can login at any time to complete or change the plan.

Turn to the Professionals

Many people are more comfortable making these decisions with funeral professionals. If you would like us to help, call us at 952-888-7771 or send us an email using the Contact Us form.