9947 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: 952-888-7771

Green Burial Info

We can help you understand green funerals, know your options, and answer any questions you have.

Latest News & Stories

Browse our listing of news, articles, and stories about embalming, green burial, and more.

Latest Questions

Read through questions that we've received and answered for other families.

Contact Us

Our funeral home can assist you to select the funeral service options that hold the most meaning for your family.

Memorialization Services

There usually comes a time, after the passing of a family member, when you realize your loved one deserves to be remembered, but you're undecided about exactly how you would like to preserve and safeguard their memory; which leaves us wondering how we can best pay tribute to the memory of a beloved family member.

Fortunately, we recognize today's technology makes memorialization both meaningful and affordable. Our firm offers you a variety of options to assist you in memorializing your loved on in the most fitting way. We invite you to read the memorialization insights and information below, and naturally; when you're ready to take the next step in preserving your loved one's legacy of memories, we ask you to call us at 952-888-7771.

Online Memorials
Print obituaries are fast becoming a thing of the past. Funeral service cost is a factor, but really, today's families want more from an obituary. Our full-featured, interactive online memorials have the tools they want to memorialize their loved ones and stay connected.
Memorial Stationery
We invite you to read this page to discover just how meaningful and pleasing a gift of personalized memorial stationery can be for those attending a funeral or memorial service. Select from a wide selection of elegant theme-based memorial folders, prayer cards, and bookmarks.