9947 Lyndale Avenue South
Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: 952-888-7771

Green Burial Info

We can help you understand green funerals, know your options, and answer any questions you have.

Latest News & Stories

Browse our listing of news, articles, and stories about embalming, green burial, and more.

Latest Questions

Read through questions that we've received and answered for other families.

Contact Us

Our funeral home can assist you to select the funeral service options that hold the most meaning for your family.

Funeral Pre-Planning

Most of us want to plan ahead but when it comes to end-of-life planning, many have a difficult time starting the funeral pre-planning process.

We're here to help. In this section, you can learn why it's important, how it works, and exactly what's involved in pre-need funeral planning. Call us at 952-888-7771 with any questions you may have.

Why People Choose to Plan Ahead
Ask 25 people why they came to us for assistance in funeral pre-planning, and you'll hear 25 different answers. Learn more about the reasons behind their decisions.
Funeral Pre-Arrangement Process
The funeral pre-arrangement process is not complicated: Consider your funeral service options, discuss them with family, and record your wishes for us to follow in the future.
Record Your Wishes
What is the #1 reason people choose to pre-plan their funeral? It's the responsible thing to do. Learn the top reasons people pre-arrange funeral services.
Pre-Planning Checklist
When you're ready to start the funeral pre-planning process, you may really appreciate this step-by-step funeral pre-arrangement checklist.
Advance Directives
No one wants to think about a time when they will be unable to make critical health care or end-of-life decisions but it makes sense to complete an advance directive.
Pre-Arrange Online
Our online pre-need funeral planning tool makes pre-planning easier. Your own personal login allows you to return to your plan and make changes at any time.